Say Hello to new BIO Mondo Shop

Opening in Fontanafredda the new and unique shop of Bio Mondo.

“Mens sana in corpore sano” is not just an expression. We have to take care of ourselves every day to feel good, physically and emotionally.
The first step is to think about what we eat, about our balanced diet, and give our bodies what they need, being careful not to “poison”
them with chemicals, preservatives and… too much sugar.

Bio Mondo was born with a focus on natural, organic and healthy products. We want to give you health, and now we want to do it by providing you with a
physical place (but for those who do not live in Friuli region our online shop is open 24/7) where we meet, ask for advice and choose without hurry
(even spend an hour of shopping is not virtual thinking about your own well-being!) the products that suit you!

You will find not only our  Stevia’s  brand products, such as sweeteners and low sugar products because they are based on Stevia,
but really everything that is right for you.

Do you suffer from diabet? We have a wide range of products for you.

Are you lactose intolerant? No problem! Try our jams and creams, for example!

Can’t you eat sugar? This is the realm of “low glycemic index” and “low sugar” or “no sugar“.

Are you looking for products for your skin care? We also have those! The body line is waiting for you!

Natural drinks, organic wines, gluten-free pasta and flour

At Bio Mondo’s you’ll find everything that you are looking for!

Abbiamo aperto a Vigonovo di Fontanafredda, in via G. Puccini 4/c e vi aspettiamo tutti per il taglio del nastro e una ricchissima degustazione alla scoperta di alcuni dei nostri prodotti

Venerdì 13 settembre 2019 alle ore 18.30.


Ecco qui il programma completo.

Programma inaugurazione.

Ore 18.30: taglio del nastro con presenza di autorità comunali

Ore 18.45: Presentazione Azienda e Negozio- Daniela Favero, titolare Bio Mondo

Ore 19:00 : inizio degustazione


Saranno presenti con i loro prodotti alla degustazione:

IusVia  Green: integratori e pane per persone diabetici senza lieviti

Alghesserespirulina e prodotti con spirulina

La fattoria di Sara e Giulia: pasta e farine

Four Pleasures: vini italiani Bio

E inoltre l’esperto panificatore Giovanni Polo sarà con noi con un assaggio dei suoi gustosissimi biscotti senza zucchero.

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